Gliding Badges
If you are a more experienced pilot wanting to complete your silver or gold badge, LKSC can help you. You can come to the club at a time to suit you and concentrate on acquiring the skills you need to achieve your next gliding goal.

Cross Country Flying
XC flying is possible all year round although the best conditions are spring, summer and autumn. In winter, XC flights are still possible but they happen less often.

Visiting pilots
Lake Keepit Soaring Club is one of the best places in Australia to Glide. We have good soaring weather all year round, we are a professionally run club with a fleet of well-maintained gliders, and because we operate 365 days a year, you can come when it suits you best.

Overseas pilots
Australia welcomes overseas glider pilots and we try to make it easy for you to fly here. However, ultimately we are governed by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and there are formalities we all have to comply with.

Keepit Grand Prix Series
The Lake Keepit Grand Prix series are fun flying events held approximately monthly during the spring to autumn period. The aim is to get people flying cross country, improve flying skills and to have fun flying together. They attract a range of pilot abilities from those just starting out in XC flying to national and internationally recognised pilots. Entry is free to LKSC members and visiting pilots.

Lake Keepit Soaring Club is famous for holding epic gliding safaris. Every year, a gaggle of gliders leaves Lake Keepit and heads north or west or south, looking for adventure. These safaris are usually 3,000 or 4,000 kilometres long and can be up to two weeks. The route can be an out and return or a loop, planned to visit some interesting destinations, taking in country properties and remote townships on the way.