2024 – Australian National Multiclass Gliding Championship – Registration

    Entry Conditions

    GPS Loggers
    It is the responsibility of the pilot to ensure that:
    - Their Logger / FDR is on the approved list and capable of recording IGC files with barometric pressure recording.
    - Their FDR (and any backup FDR) is compatible with recording a Pilot Event (PEV) marker.
    - They have appropriate downloading equipment and software for their own GPS FDR – pilots will be expected to upload their own GPS log traces to the internet website provided by the organisers.

    A working radio with frequencies 122.025, 122.5, 122.7, 122.9, 126.7, 127.8, 127.4, 127.1, 121.5, 129.15, 132.25 must be fitted.

    Cloud flying Instruments
    Instruments or displays with features that aid cloud flying are prohibited. Such features must be removed or disabled to the satisfaction of the Organisers prior to the commencement of the competition and must be irrevocably disabled for the duration of the competition.

    An operational FLARM and its use at this competition is mandatory.
    A FLARM Range Analysis showing acceptable performance must be provided to the organisers before the first competition flight (whether an official practice or competition day) as hard copy or by email to comps@keepitsoaring.com.

    Registration Requirements.
    When registering you will be required to show:
    - Log book with Biennial Flight Review (BFR) which will be current for the duration of the competition.
    - A Maintenance Release for the Glider which will be current for the duration of the competition..
    - A FLARM Range Analysis showing acceptable performance (see above)
    - Current Gliding Australia and Gliding Club membership evidence (both Pilots)
    - A current competitor's licence or GPC Certificate.
    - Entry Fees paid

    Experience Certification.
    National Rules specify the minimum pilot in command experience as 100 hours solo, Silver C certificate, at least one 300km flight and participation in two overseas, national, SkyRace GP, or state competitions with at least 10 gliders competed ;Knowledge of Gliding Australia Operational Regulations in regard to the Rules of the Air; Current flying practice in competition and/or cross-country gliding; Current membership of Gliding Australia and an affiliated Gliding Australia Club; A Current FAI Sporting Licence (Competitor’s Licence) or Gliding Australia GPC; An Annual or Biennial Flight Review valid for the duration of the competition.

    Pilots who do not meet the gliding experience requirements but with significant gliding experience may be accepted at the discretion of the Competition Director.

    At registration you may be required to supply documented evidence that you meet these requirements.

    I/we acknowledge that gliding is a hazardous sport and that competition gliding involves added risks. I hereby apply to enter the 2024 National Multiclass Gliding Championships and agree to accept these risks and abide by the GFA Competition Rules and any variations that may be circulated as Local Rules and note that in particular that if any aircraft does not meet the airworthiness requirements of these rules, entry application may be rejected. I/we acknowledge that I/we are bound by the Gliding Australia anti-doping policy, take personal responsibility for flying in accordance with the Gliding Australia MOSP and all applicable regulations and specifically agree to comply with Member Protection Policy ADMIN008 and its codes of conduct.

    I/we specifically agree to waive all claims against the competition organisers, Gliding Australia, its agents and the Lake Keepit Soaring Club Inc either by me/us or by any other person claiming through me/us or on my behalf. In consideration of my/our being permitted to compete I/we agree to indemnify and keep indemnified Gliding Australia and the members thereof, the Lake Keepit Soaring Club Inc and any person or persons having the control of or assisting with the National Multiclass Championships (including matters ancillary to the competition) against all or any claim or claims for wilful or negligent acts or breach of duty or otherwise made upon it by me/us or any other person or persons arising directly or indirectly from my/our participation in the 2024 National Multiclass Championships.

    I/we agree to become a member of the Lake Keepit Soaring Club for the duration of the competition and abide by all rules and regulations of the club.